A Programmatic Display Advertising Guide

Ben Tippet
Published November 9, 2023

Lets explore programmatic display advertising—a tool that enables digital marketers to reach target audiences with efficiency and precision. Programmatic campaigns offer key benefits like cost savings, precise targeting, and real-time optimisation. In this post, we’ll cover the essentials of programmatic advertising, including its benefits and strategies to maximise results effectively.

Understanding Programmatic and Display Ads

Understanding Programmatic And Display Ads

Digital advertising is evolving due to programmatic advertising campaigns. This automated approach of buying and displaying ads provides improved targeting, cost-effectiveness and fast optimization.

By connecting with a variety of ad exchanges, advertisers can extend the reach and success rate of their strategies. To have a successful programmatic marketing campaign it is important to set goals, choose suitable ad networks and/formats as well as create engaging creatives or advertisements that are eye catching for audiences.

When assessing how effective these programs were in reaching intended outcomes, metrics such as key performance indicators (KPIs) should be examined and used to analyse data collected from them, enabling marketers to make decisions based on facts which allows Optimizing towards achieving desired results at maximum level.

What is Programmatic Display Advertising?

Programmatic and display advertising is a form of digital advertising which uses computer algorithms for the purchasing and positioning of ads. This method applies to many programmatic platforms such as Google Display Network, with goals including increased brand recognition, generating sales, etc.

In order to reach desired outcomes, it relies on targeting techniques like geotargeting, audience focusing or retargeting in combination with contextualization. All essential elements when talking about programmatic displays campaigns’ success factors.

To optimize performance regarding online advertisements, one can look into using both an ad exchange platform combined with an ad network. This could potentially broaden outreach while still reaching campaign objectives related to those types of marketing efforts.

Ensuring high results through good design innovation and creatives while setting clear specifications within these promotions remains paramount so that maximum efficiency levels are sustained throughout each project phase.

How programmatic Ad Buying Works

Programmatic advertising relies on the ad exchange to offer up ad space in an instant, depending upon data collected from a web page and visitor. This automated approach allows for precise targeting of ads so they reach their intended audience at the right time.

Advantages associated with this form of digital display advertising include increased accuracy in campaigns as well as more efficient usage that maximizes potential reach while providing better value than traditional methods for advertisers when it comes to programmatic advertising cost.

The sophisticated technological tools behind programmatic ads include retargeting, DMPs (Data Management Platforms), auction types and dynamic creative optimization which provide enhanced capabilities not found elsewhere within classic display media buying structures.

Types of Programmatic Display Ads

For programmatic advertising, advertisers are provided with multiple ad formats to choose from. These include banner ads, native ads and video ads, each offering special advantages which help companies reach their target audience more effectively. To meet these objectives, it is possible for them to personalize their campaigns accordingly.

In the following section, an in-depth analysis of the different varieties of online advertising will be presented so as to provide a better understanding of how they can contribute towards successful marketing outcomes. Keywords such as ‘display advertising’, ‘target audience’ and ‘ad formats’ etc. still remain relevant when discussing this area of digital promotion strategies.

Banner Ads

Programmatic Banner Ads

Banner advertisements are an effective method to reach target audiences. Visual ads can be static or animated, with various design features such as photos, graphics, video clips and text used for a captivating effect. There is no single size – rather some popular dimensions include

  • 234×60 (Half Banner)
  • 120×600 (Skyscraper)
  • 120×240 (Vertical Banner)
  • 300 x1050(Portrait)
  • 468X60(Banner) 728X90(Leaderboard)
  • 300×250 Medium Rectangle)
  • 320×50 Mobile banner
  • 320*480 Portable Representation

It’s advised that banners should incorporate 10-20 words of concise message which will quickly grab viewers’ attention – ultimately increasing conversions through enhanced brand recognition over time.

Video Ads

Programmatic Video Ads

When it comes to programmatic advertising, video ads can create a more immersive and engaging user experience. This often leads to higher engagement rates than with traditional display ads. Different types of video advertisements used for these campaigns include in-stream videos, out-stream videos and display formats which must all be optimized both on desktop and mobile devices if they are to have maximum impact.

It is also important that the logo feature within the first 10 seconds of any campaign as well as ensuring initial 3 -4 seconds holds users’ attention until information is revealed throughout different stages of their journey into your product or service.

The costs associated with this type of advertisement will vary dependent upon various factors such as platform, targeting options, and competition. Although average cost per ad impression tends to range from around $0.10-$030 Per view / click while impressions averaging at 1000 tend towards an estimate ranging between $ 4 –$ 10 per impression.

Native Ads

Progammatic Native Ads

Native display ads provide an organic, user-friendly experience by fitting into the content of a website. Programmatic advertising includes various types such as in-feed advertisements, native show advertisements and embedded pieces within material.

To create effective native advertisement campaigns through programmatic based systems, brands must have a consistent visual identity for their products or services with strong headlines plus compelling visuals to link back to related content from said brand. A successful strategy, when used, can be extremely cost efficient compared against other options which are available on digital marketplaces today.

Advantages of Programmatic Advertising

Programmatics is now a popular choice for advertisers as it offers better targeting, cost-efficiency and allows for instant optimization. These advantages make the most of their advertising spend when running such campaigns.

The following paragraphs will discuss how each benefit contributes to the effectiveness of programmatic advertising campaigns in detail. Through specific targeting, improved efficiency with regards to budgeting, and immediate optimizations, display and Google ads can create tangible results on which advertiser’s budgets are well spent on.

Improved Targeting

Improved Targeting

Programmatic advertising can enable marketers to target particular audiences based on their demographic, interests and behaviors. Gathering relevant data concerning the target audience’s preferences is essential for creating successful campaigns that help increase ad engagement leading to higher conversion rate.

Advertisers may use this knowledge for customizing messaging tailored towards distinct demographics such as age, gender or income level. Improving campaign outcomes through increased effectiveness of ads by leveraging analytics-driven decisions.

Ultimately, advertisers are able to optimize their displays and maximize results with a better understanding of who they are targeting in programmatic advertisement endeavors.


Cost Effectiveness

Programmatic advertising offers many benefits over conventional methods of advertisement. Automation in the advertising buying process eliminates manual labor, thus making it more affordable and profitable to use.

Programmatic buying is also significantly more precise when targeting certain audiences, leading to a larger return on investment (ROI) for advertisers. The cost of programmatic ads ranges from fifty cents up to ten dollars per thousand impressions (CPM).

By leveraging programmatic ad buying techniques, companies can economize both time and money while focusing their efforts elsewhere within the marketing strategy.

This process allows organizations access to much cheaper ad inventory with an emphasis on improving efficiency so that campaigns can be optimized accordingly as needed With automation handling most aspects associated with purchasing advertisements online being done automatically instead of manually. This type of digital advertisement makes the entire procedure simpler than traditional means.

Real-Time Optimisation

Real Time Optimisation

Programmatic advertising is a powerful tool in digital marketing for optimizing returns on investment (ROI). Real-time optimization follows certain steps, such as observing user behavior and results of campaigns, analyzing data and performance metrics, and making modifications to account for the outcomes observed.

Executing A/B testing experiments regularly while adjusting bids and targeting parameters. Programmatic ad technology can be harnessed alongside Artificial Intelligence (AI) to continuously optimize ads.

To make use of these capabilities, fully advertisers should employ dedicated DSPs or other tools like SmartyAds, TubeMogul, Simpli.fi MediaMath & Choozle that are designed specifically with real-time optimizations needs in mind.

In this way marketers will have greater control over their displays ads so they may work towards achieving their desired goals faster through informed decisions derived from gathered data analysis across multiple channels.

Strategies for Successful Programmatic Advertising Campaigns

When creating successful programmatic campaigns, it is important to establish clear objectives and find the proper platforms/formats. Developing engaging ads creatives also plays a significant role in ensuring that these projects reach their desired outcomes. To ensure this process runs smoothly, we will take an indepth look at each of these elements separately.

Defining Clear Objectives

Defining Clear Objectives

Establishing concrete goals is essential to ensure that all stakeholders understand and agree on the desired outcome. Poorly set objectives for programmatic advertising can often lead to flawed strategies, such as failing to discern audience data or not utilizing KPIs correctly.

This could result in a lack of clarity when defining said objectives or, even worse, omitting an experienced agency from the campaign altogether.

On the other hand, by clearly outlining their plan, marketers are able to push forward with their display campaigns strategically.

Helping them keep track of progress towards key targets while simultaneously giving insight into possible optimization measures. Setting out measurable KPI’s provides tangible evidence reflecting on success rates Down-the-line too.

Ultimately, having clear defined aims/objectives enables successful execution of any programmatic advertisement drive but also grants access insights which allow continual improvement over time, thus ensuring ROI maximization!

Choosing the Right Platforms and Formats

Choosing The Right Platforms And Formats

When executing programmatic advertising, selecting the correct platforms and formats is essential to make sure your adverts are seen in suitable places for the desired target audience. Platforms typically used include PubMatic, Adobe Advertising Cloud, MediaMath, AdRoll and SmartyAds among others.

It’s important to consider factors such as pricing transparency before opting for a platform. This is alongside user data integration capabilities which must be taken into account prior to making a decision on what fits best with campaign objectives of reaching an intended set of customers effectively.

Whilst choosing applicable platforming services takes precedence when carrying out programmatic activities specifically geared towards engaging certain audiences, also selecting compatible format types goes hand-in-hand with ensuring advertisements have maximum impact by being placed where they will most likely catch attention.

This means having an understanding of how particular targets consume media content so you can develop appropriate visuals that resonate well within their viewing environment(s). Examples could range from static images through animated banners up to interactable rich media executions (e.g., HTML5 ads).

Creating Engaging Ad Creatives

Creating Engaging Ad Creatives

For a successful display campaign, crafting effective ads that captivate users is essential. To craft an attractive creative for programmatic marketing, one should focus on design elements like colour and typography, understand the target audience’s preferences and requirements, make use of technology in constructing ads according to user journey stages and constantly test them based on data analysis.

By utilizing high-quality graphics with vivid colours along with compelling headlines & body copy, you can ensure your advertisement stands out among competitors’. Consistently making improvements through experimentation improves engagement rates as well as conversion efficiency.

Measuring Programmatic Advertising Performance

Tracking the effectiveness of programmatic advertising campaigns is essential for gauging success and identifying areas to improve. By keeping track of key performance indicators (KPIs) along with analyzing associated data, advertisers can make informed decisions which lead to maximizing results. This text will emphasize both the importance of KPIs as well as analysis when evaluating programmatic advertisement performances.

Through a detailed exploration into pertinent metrics and looking at existing campaign info, these two components provide an opportunity for successful marketing endeavours through better understanding one’s advertising efforts on platform displays like Google Ads or Facebook Ads etc.

As each situation varies greatly in terms of targeting demographics, so do optimization requirements that must be met. This is why tracking certain KPI’s such as CRT click-through rates becomes more important.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Iindicators

KPIs, such as CTRs (click-through rates), conversion ratios and ROI help advertisers assess how successful their campaigns have been, allowing them to pinpoint areas needing improvement. To calculate the click-through rate for programmatic advertising you divide clicks by impressions then multiply by 100 for a percentage amount, 0.57% is an average results on this network type normally seen in conversions.

Through tracking these KPIs accurately it allows marketers to monitor performance of ads plus they can make modifications necessary in order that campaign goals are achieved and maximizing ROI potential at all times. By focusing on raising key figures companies enable more efficiency overall with digital advertising plans eventually benefit from higher returns invested in them originally as well.

Analysing Campaign Data

Analysing Campaign Data

Advertisers need to define their goals and KPIs before starting programmatic campaigns in order to monitor the performance of these advertisements properly. Tracking tools should be used along with analytics, which measure metrics such as impressions, click-through rates (CTRs), conversions and ad spend (ROAS). This data provides an understanding of user behaviour so that advertisers can make informed decisions about optimizing their ads for success.

Through analysing campaign data thoroughly, it is possible to identify areas where improvement needs to take place. This approach helps ensure maximum results from all your efforts when running a display advertising or marketing campaign.

Real-World Examples of Successful Programmatic Ads Display Campaigns

Successful programmatic campaigns serve to demonstrate the effectiveness of this type of advertising in producing desirable outcomes and reaching business goals. Take, for example, The Economist – their campaign saw 3,617,000 re-targetable contacts which eventually resulted in 12.7 million GBP ($15.6M) from subscriptions as well as supplemental revenue via their display ads utilizing a programmatic approach.

These case studies illustrate just how powerful these forms of advertisements can be when implemented correctly. If you apply the knowledge and techniques discussed here today, advertisers will be able to launch successful programs that drive results along with achieving set objectives through programmatic advertisement or display advertisements.


Programmatic advertising is a potent tool for marketing that offers great advantages such as increased targeting, cost-effectiveness and the capacity to adjust in real time. To achieve successful outcomes with this form of digital advertising and maximize return on advertising spend, it’s important to set clear objectives.

Choose the correct programmatic advertising platforms/formats, create captivating ads, measure ad campaign and performance. As the field of digital marketing develops, programmatic ads will remain an essential element of any winning strategy.

programmatic advertising stands as a dynamic and efficient approach to digital marketing, offering unparalleled benefits like enhanced targeting, cost efficiency, and real-time adaptability. For those aiming to capitalize on these advantages, it’s crucial to establish precise goals, select the appropriate programmatic platforms and formats, craft engaging advertisements, and rigorously track campaign performance. As digital marketing continues to evolve, programmatic advertising will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy.

At PDE, our programmatic advertising strategy is a key component of the comprehensive services we provide. If you’re interested in harnessing the power of programmatic advertising services, PDE is here to guide you towards finding your digital edge. Reach out to us, and let’s elevate your digital advertising strategy today.

FAQs for Programmatic

Direct Display vs. Programmatic: What’s the Difference?

Direct display advertising involves pre-selling ads in bulk and betting on the publisher to attract a desired audience, whereas programmatic offers more flexibility as it allows advertisers to target individuals based on data such as behavior, location, and demographics.

What is the difference between programmatic display and native display?

Native display is a type of digital advertising that can be bought through online software (programmatic) or offline methods (non-programmatic). programmatic ads, on the other hand, involves utilizing technology to purchase ads automatically.

What is the difference between Google display and programmatic display?

Programmatic advertising uses individual data and visuals to create advertisements, whereas the Google Display Network (GDN) applies programmatic bidding as well as other available metrics.

What does programmatic mean in the advertising space?

Programmatic advertising is a form of digital advertising that utilizes automated technology to buy and display ads almost instantaneously. This process replaces the manual approach to media buying, allowing extremely targeted content to be delivered within moments – faster than traditional methods can provide.

What is the most rapidly expanding segment of digital marketing?

The display advertising industry has seen huge growth as a result of the programmatic ad campaign in digital marketing and is now the fastest-growing sector within this realm. programmatic ads campaigns are quickly gaining prominence, demonstrating the importance of programmatic ads campaigns.

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